Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Geology, Faculty of sciences, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

2 Exploration Directorate, National Iranian Oil Company, Tehran, Iran


Numerous mechanisms are active during folding in folded-thrust belts, such as the role of salt movement, the role of multiple detachments in sedimentary cover, interference between different phases of deformation, and the role of basement during folding. The performance of these mechanisms plays an important role in the formation of different structures and geological features in geological units and folds geometry. In this research, such structures have been introduced and studied in Takhteh, Nahreh and Kuh-e-Lar anticlines in the north of Fars Paleo-High during field observations and measurement of geometric features of anticlines such as Aspect ratio, axial distance and half wavelength. These structures mainly include growth strata, geometry of tectonic synchronous strata, structures associated with shallow detachment such as rabbit ear structures, faults that are themselves structures that control the geometry and kinematics of structures, and sulfur springs that related to faults and rheology of exposed formations. The present study shows that the anticlines have an aspect ratio less than ten and are part of the detachment folds in which the detachment horizons have played a role and have a dextral arrangement. The formation of these anticlines occurred at the same time, which will be connected to each other, and these anticlines are associated with basement faults. The location of these anticlines is suitable for the presence of hydrocarbons but the basement fault in the southern flank of Takhteh anticline may affect the reservoir. The presence of water gaps and wind gaps in the region is a sign of uplift and activity of the region.


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