Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Payame_ Noor University, Theran, Iran

2 Ph. D., South Oilfield, National Iranian Oil Company, Theran, Iran

3 M. Sc., Department of Geology, Payame_ Noor University, Theran, Iran


This study aimed to compare Asmari Formation in two sections in Maleh-Kuh and Amiran anticlines based on benthonic foraminifera. In this study, 26 species and 16 genera of benthonic foraminifera from the Maleh-Kuh section yielded 2 biozones of  Elphidiumsp. 14 – Peneroplis, farsenensisandBorelismelocurdica – Borelismelomeloweresuggesting an age of Aquitanian – Burdigalian for the formation. In Amiran anticline based on 27 species and 20 genera only the biozone of Borelismelocurdica – Borelismelomelo (Burdigalian)was recorded.Based on this study, the Asmari sequence in Maleh-kuh Section (with a thicknessof 310m) deposited earlier In Aquitanian.   But in Amiran section (with a thickness 162m) deposition started in Burdigalian and ended synchronously in both sections. In both sections the Asmari Formation overlain Shahbazan Formation disconformably and is in turn under lain by Ghachsaran Formation concordantly-transitionally in Maleh-Kuh and by a sharp contact in Amiran Section.
