
1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Earth Siences, Shahrood University, Shahrood, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

3 M. Sc. Student, Faculty of Earth Siences, Shahrood University, Shahrood, Iran


Rock falls are the usual forms of slope instability in hill slopes. The high velocity and rapid occurrence are the main differences of rock fall and other rock instability. Therefore, the rock falls are among the most destructive mass movements and results in high loss of lives and heavy damage to the structures, roads, residential area, farms and etc. In this research, rock fall in rocky slopes of the TepalMountain in northwest of Shahrood city was investigated. For this, the large scale geological map of area (scale of 1:10000) was produced and joint studies in 12 sections performed. Then, the slope instability was analyzed by two methods of stereographic (using Dips 5.103 software) and analytical method (by Swedge 4.078 and rock fall 4.039 softwares). The results show that all of the slopes are stable in static conditions and become instable in dynamic state. In critical states of huge raining and earthquake intense instability will be occurred and the big problems could be created for the down area of slopes. Based on the results of analytical and using the Arc GIS 9.3 rock fall hazard zonation map was produced. In addition, by overlaying of landslide hazard map and land use map, the area affected by rock falls was distinguished. The results of this study show that Salamaty road, Mazar Shohaday Gomnam and its access road, some part of AzadiPark, the tourism hotel, some of the residential area down of the Salamaty road and some parts of the AbsharPark are located in the hazard zones. 
