Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 M. Sc., Department of Geology, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Geology, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran


In KamarhajiMountain, NW Birjand there are geological structures such as: duplex, pop-Up, triangle zone, flower structures, folding, etc. The duplexes in KamarhajiMountain have E-W trend. They are parallel to the Shekarab fault system. The Shekarab fault is a reverse fault with sinistral component located in the southern of the area; it is considered as one of the terminal branches of the Nehbandan fault. Based on the Geometric-Kinematic analysis, duplexes are of the horsetail structure type, which are set from the side view on each other. There are flower structures in the direction perpendicular to the horsetail structures, caused that the central layers of the duplex structures have the maximum height. Usually in the orogenic regions, the antithetic thrusts with motion opposite to the main thrust are observed. These thrusts are called back thrusts. The hanging wall blocks of two faults, thrust and its back thrust is called pop-Up structure. In addition, in some regions back thrust and new thrust created triangle zone. In duplexes of this Region, ramps have strike slip mechanism with Thrust component. The existing flats are non-horizontal and most of them have thrust mechanism with strike slip component. Due to the mechanism of flat, transfer direction is westward, and since the younger ramps are formed on the hanging wall of previous ramp (In other words, younger orientation is toward the hinterland) the formation of duplexes follows the break-back model. Since the physical model shows a better understanding of the formation model and the relationship between the structures, we have used of the experimental model. The results of experiments show a strong relationship between the geometry of the flat and the geometry of the structures of the area. Based on the paleostress studies and different trends of shortening of structures such as folding, duplexes, two deformational stages were identified. In the first stage, position of strain λ3 axis according to analysis of the conjugate joints, tension joints, and axial surface of folding is N42, 00, N40, 07, and is N38, 14 respectively. The amount of shortening in this stage of deformation is 41.46 %. Position of strain λ3 axis in the second stage of deformation according to analysis of the conjugate joints, tension joints, and E-W trend of thrusts is N83, 02, N84, 00, and N90E respectively. In this stage, strike– slip faults have been further developed. The shortening in this stage of deformation is 20.30 % and the amount of slip along the flats is 2640 meters. According to the geometric-kinematic analysis duplexes formed in the second stage of deformation, which was progressive.
