Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Earth Science Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Research Institute for Earth Science, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Iran


The extrusive sequence of Kermanshah ophiolite complex are exposed in Tamark and Gashor area, in east of Kermanshah and Harsin, in west of Iran. These lavas are located along the Main Zagros Reverse Fault, which marks the ophiolitic suture zone between the Zagros belt and the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone. These rocks with pillow structures are nominated in Tamark area as basalt to basaltic andesite and in Gashor area as basalt to basaltic trachy-andesite. According to classifications for magmatic series Tamark’s pillows are belong to subalkali series and Gashor’s pillows are belong to alkaline series. In classifications of tectono magmatic patterns, Tamark and Gashor’s basalts respectively are plotted in E-MORB and WPB. These rocks in both of pillows enriched from LILE, LREE and some HFSE and the enriched mantel is the source of the primitive magma. They represent the Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere originally existing between the Arabian and Eurasian continental margins.


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