Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 National Cartographic Center (NCC), Tehran, Iran

2 International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), Tehran, Iran


We present the results of continuous GPS measurements to interpret present-day kinematic along and across northern Iran (i.e. the Alborz mountain range and northern part of Central Iranian Block (CIB)). In this study velocity field and geodetic strain rate of 30 CGPS stations from 2005 to 2009 were calculated in order to indicate active deformation of the region. The obtained velocity field suggests that western and central part of the Alborz mountains accommodate the convergence between Arabia and Eurasia mainly through shortening at a rate of ~6 mm/yr and 2 mm/yr left-lateral strike slip motion while the eastern Alborz accommodates the differential motion on either side of the range by left-lateral strike slip faults at ~5 mm/yr, as well as 2 mm/yr shortening across the range. It can be deduced from the velocity vectors that main portion of the shortening (~70%) in the western and central Alborz is mainly taken up along the North Alborz and western Khazar faults. It is also evident from the site velocities that ~3 mm/yr shortening is occurring in CIB, i.e. ~1.5 mm/yr on northern side of CIB (along the Parchin-Pishva-Robatkarim faults) and ~1.5 mm/yr along the Tafresh fault. These observations strongly suggest that CIB is not a rigid block. Principal axes of geodetic strain-rate tensor showed that mainly compressional deformation occurs in western Alborz while transpressional deformation is dominant in eastern Alborz. Strain rate decreases in south and south-western parts of the belt, as approaches the CIB. We also observe copmressional deformation in northern margin of CIB. Finally, we indicate that the present-day kinematics of the Alborz mountains is consistent with geological evidence and active tectonics of the region.


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