Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Applied Geological Reserch Center of Iran, Tehran, Iran

2 School of Mininig Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Sand box models are in order to investigation of circumstance of deformation create in orogenic event. Progressive rigid indenter is as non-plastic continental crust that moves from one side to ward sand hanging wall that is indication plastic crust. The sand primery thickness and angle of rigid indenter are changeable. In the all of models, rises sand in the two side of plan of indenter between fore-slop and back-slop, in the top of indenter progressive edge. The formation rate of anticlinorium folds is related to thickness of sand hanging wall, form of progressive and rate of falling's back-slop plan. Change of primery thickness of sand hanging wall is controler of distance and rate of anticlinorium folds formation. The aim of this experimental work is investigation of thrust belts, progressive indenter, and research of effect's slope in the collision zones and fold-thrusts creation, also comparison of experimental model to natural model.


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