Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Faculty of Sciences, Tabriz University

2 Islamic Azad University, Maragheh Branch

3 Dept. of the Environment, the Natural History Museum of Iran


       Maragheh informal Formation is widely extended on the Sahand hillside and Maragheh city. Based on lithology and sedimentary facies, Maragheh Formation is divided into two members: lower member in the studied area (Mordagh area - Aghajery) consists of marl, tuff, tuffaceous sandstone with several fossiliferous layers. Upper member has more extent and thickness than the lower member and the facies variation are accompanied by increase of tuffaceous layers with diatomit and fish debries. In the Gorg Darreh –Mordagh area four geologic sites were excavated and investigated for  vertebrate fossils. The samples obtained in this study from above mentioned sites consist of Ivory of mastodont, Ivory of phiomia, Monkey teeth, radius and ulana bones of elephant, cervid, gazelle and hipparions. The sequence of Maragheh Formation  mostly consists of fluvial deposits, therefore its dating is difficult. However, it displays different ages from 7Ma to 12.5Ma respectively based on the  vertebrate fossils such as hipparion sp. ,.



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