Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Planning, Management and Education, School of Environment, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student, Environmental planning, Department of Environmental Planning, Management and Education, Alborz Campus, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


climate change is known as one of the most important environmental crises which has made many problems . Considering the undeniable impact of humans in the production of greenhouse gasses, in this paper the situation of the climate change of Tehran is predicted by modeling three different scenarios, for the period of 2046 until 2065. Based on optimistic, pessimistic and neither pessimistic nor optimistic scenarios, the alterations of climate parameters are forecasted. It is concluded that the amount rainfall will decrease, while, the amount of temperature will go up. To do this research the software of LARS-WG is used for modeling the climate change. This software is a sample of Meteorological generating models which is useful for simulation of climate data for now or future in an area. Then, considering the significant role of fossil fuels in deteriorating this phenomenon and determining the proportion of the effects of different modes of transportation in generating carbon, the existing policies on reduction of burning fossil fuels is investigated. At the end, based on the necessity of cooperation of people in various aspects of formulation of policies including behavioral-social and technological-technical, some suggestions are proposed to decrease the production of carbon.


Main Subjects

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