Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Standard Research Institute, Technical and Engineering Faculty, Construction and Mineral Department, Karaj, Iran

2 Ph.D., Coworker of Construction and Mineral Department, Standard Research Institute, Ahvaz, Iran

3 Associated professor, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran


In order to study the biostratigraphy of Sarvak and Ilam in wells A1 and A2 of Binak oilfield, B of Gachsaran oilfield, C of Aghajari oilfield and D of Rag-Sefid oilfield, numerous thin sections have been studied microscopically In the biostratigraphic study of 5 biozones in the Sarvak and Ilam formations, the following fields were introduced: 1-Oligostegina flood zone, 2- Nezzazata – Alveolinids assemblage zone, 3- Rudist debris zone, 4 -Nezzazatinella – Dicyclina assemblage zone, 5- Rotalia skourensis – algae assemblage zone and Oligostegina food zone. Based on the study of age of Sarvak Formation from Late Albian to Turonian, and for Ilam Formation from Coniasian to Santonian. Based on the biostratigraphy correlation and thickness analysis of biozones introduced in the two studied formations, the depth of the Zagros basin from northwest to southeast decreases dramatically.


Main Subjects

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