Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 M.Sc. Student, Department of Geology, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Senior, Exploration Directory, National Iranian Oil Company, Tehran, Iran


Zagros fold-thrust belt has been crossed by different transverse faults with NNW-SSE trend and dextral mechanism. These faults often show en-echelon geometries on the surface because of presence of detachment layers at base and within the cover sequence. The Karehbas fault is one these faults located in Fars province about 65 km to the east of the Kazerun Fault zone. Presence of the Hormoz salt as a basal detachment and ductile horizons within the sedimentary cover have caused the fault to appear on the surface as several north-northwest-trending en echelon segments. At least six segemnts have been recognized in northern and southern parts of the Karehbas fault. In this study two southern segments, the Mengharak and Kalagh segments of the Karehbas fault zone to the south of Firuzabad are introduced and their mechanism are analyzed. Riddle and anti-riddle faults and drag folds and terminations are used to analyze the dextral kinematic for both segments. These strike-slip fault segments terminate in thrusts that are sub-parallel to the regional the Surmeh and Kalagh thrusts in the south. These fault terminations are in the hanging-wall of the Surmeh and Kalagh thrusts, and expose formations that are older than those in the hanging-wall of the latter thrusts. Therefore, the Mengharak and Kalagh segments introduced in this study have strike-slip mechanism, and according to this mechanism, their geometry and their structural position in continuation of the northern and central segments of the Karehbas fault, they are introduced as the southern segments of the Karehbas fault . Based on the thrusting of the Asmari Formation over the Bakhtiari Formation in the positive flower structure along the Mengharak segment, the minimum amount of displacement on these fault segments are evaluated equal to the thickness of the Mishan Formation. 
