Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 M. Sc., Department of Geology, Faculty of Basic Science, Tarbiyat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Faculty of Basic Science, Tarbiyat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran

3 Ph.D. Studetnt, Department of Geology, Faculty of Basic Science, Tarbiyat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran


Anjireh-Vejin Mines of Tiran are located 60 km west of Isfahan. Exposed rocks in these mines are Early Cretaceous (Early Baremian-Albian) in age. These rock units are exposed in NW-SE trending anticlines plunging shallowly to SE in three Vejin Paein, Vejin Bala and Anjireh-Chekab Mines. Folding in all three mines exhibits same style, indicating that the mines are closely structurally related. At the SW side of all the mines, anticlines formed above the hangingwall of a major reverse fault are breached and expose older Cretaceous units. In the trenches of Anjireh-Chekab mines, which cut the steeply-dipping and overturned limb of the anticlines, older rock units are observed. In the trench cutting the Vejin Bala mine, layers in the SW limb are of steeply-dipping to locally overturned attitudes. Structural evidence from these mines clearly indicated that all the three mines are situated in a unique anticline with overturned SW limb and a folding style that consistently characterize “break-thrust fold” model. This anticline plunges gently by 15º to N150º. In btreak-thrust model, as folding progressively advances, a major reverse fault is being generated along the overturned limb of the anticline, which is well observed along the SW part of the mines in the study area. The mines are separated by E-W trending faults producing the present geometry. In addition to presenting a fold style model, we explored the relation between faults and fractures in all the mines using field observations and satellite images. Fractures are dominantly oriented along NW-SE direction sub-parallel with the strike of the axial plane of the anticlines. Structural analysis revealed three types of ore concentrations: 1) parallel to the original stratigraphic layering, 2) along the reverse fault in the overturned limb of the anticline, and 3) in the fracture systems. 
