Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Instructor, Department of Geology, Payame Noor University, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Iran


The present research uses precise field data to provide a balanced cross-section of the Mahneshan area, and investigate nature of depth distribution of its major structures. Our structural studies indicate that the Mahneshan and Anguran faults are two major faults, which penetrate deep into the crust and cause a considerable amount of horizontal shortening in the area. In a more specific way, the Anguran fault roots deep into the middle crustal levels of about 21 km, and thrusts the whole Phanerozoic sequence and even parts of the Precambrian basement rocks over the younger strata. We believe that the abovementioned thrust originates not from a low-competency decollement plane, but from a ductile shear zone in deep crust. Evidences for development and conditions of such shear zone are present in the Precambrian basement rocks of the Anguran fault’s hanging-wall. We suggest that the decollement surface for the Mahneshan thrust, which is located in the shallower depths (13 km), is related to probable occurrence of evaporitic materials equivalent to the Hormoz Series beneath the Kahar Formation. Syn-sedimentary deformation within the Qom Formation in the hanging-wall of the Anguran thrust, as well as other evidences present in Neogene deposits of the area suggest that the thrust fault has been active since Oligocene. Restoration of displacements across the Anguran fault, and comparing the results with inception age for the fault suggests that the Anguran fault has been active with a slip rate of about 1 mm/yr. The structural features in the Mahneshan area indicate that thick-skinned faulting along with thin-skinned tectonics have resulted in a considerable amount of thickening of the crust in the region; this observation is in accordance with abovementioned characteristic of the crust in the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone.
