Document Type : Original Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Iran.


The effects of the Mid-Cimmerian event in the BinaludMountains can be investigated in the Mashhad Phyllite around Mashhad and in the Aghdarband Group in the Aghdarband area. In the Eastern Binalud, this event acted in prehnite-pumpellyite to lower greenschist facies and influenced the Shemshak group, which deposited as a post Early Cimmerian molasse blanket in a Rhaetian–Lias back-arc basin. The result is transformation of these sediments into the slate, phyllite and metasandstone. Tight to open folds, axial plane foliations and crenulation folds with NW-SE trending are the Mid-Cimmerian deformational structures. Due to the lower grade of metamorphism and deformation, there isn’t any important effect of this event on the rocks, which were previously deformed and metamorphosed by the Early Cimmerian event. The exhumation and erosion of deformed rocks by the Early and Mid-Cimmerian events generated the intramontane basins in the internal part of the eastern BinaludMountains. In the Aghdarband area, this event is characterized by folding of the Sina Formation from the Aghdarband Group, which is unconformably overlain by the Kashafroud Formation. 
