Document Type : Original Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Natural Geography, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.


The fluvial systems and landscape of the semiarid environments of northwestern Iran have preserved evidence of Quaternary environmental and tectonic changes. Djolfa-Hadishahr tectonic depression is a plain along Aras River in this territory. Data on the fluvial systems have been synthesized to evaluate the roles of tectonic, base-level and environmental factors in plain landscape. The satellite images were used to determining of morphometric characteristics and limiting the boundaries of studied drainage basin and alluvial fans limitation. Structural features analyzed via geological and geoelecteric sections and field studies included: thickness, orientation, fault effectuality and stratification. The results showed that geomorphologic and morphometric characteristics of fluvial systems specially on alluvial fans, influenced severely by Quaternary tectonic, base-level and other environmental changes. Because nowadays Djolfa-Hadishahr plain evolution is controlled by human constructive activities, this research emphasize on geomorphological considerations before every landscape changes in study area. This considerations could explain the human impact on plain nowadays and at the future via  analyzing of main morphodynamic features.


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