Document Type : Original Research Paper


1, Islamic Azad University, Oulom tahghighat unit, Basic science faculty, Engineering Geology dep, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, University of Tehran, Institute of Geophysics, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Geological Survey of Iran, Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Tehran, Iran.


Blasting processes as an essential phase in processing circulation is used in blasting of mines and development operations. Released energy in a blasting of an open mine, in addition to breakdown stones and heat them up, causes propagation of seismic energy around the environment of mine. In order to examine the effects of blasting in the mine of Toyserkan Sarabi dam (located 10 km on the east of Toyserkan city), three short period L-4C components recorded on the layer floodgate of dam by the use of some PDAS numerical seismographs with seismometers. By polishing recorded seismograms in the mine area of Toyserkan Sarabi dam, counters of maximum isoparticle velocity for blasting were registrated . Finally, seismic radiation model which is resulted from blasting around the floodgate was provided and the results indicate that the area seismologically  is safe and stable.


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