Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Islamic Azad University (IAU), Science and Research Campus , Tehran, Iran.

2 Exploration Management of N.I.O.C., Tehran, Iran.

3 Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Iran.


In order to study Biostratigraphy of Cenomanian – Late Campanian deposits (upper part of Sarvak Fm.,Ilam Fm. and lower part of Gurpi Fm.), kuhe Assaluyeh stratigraphic section selected. Sediments of this interval consist of limestone, argillaceous limestone and marl with thickness of 162 m. In this section Ilam Fm. in age of Santonian overlies Sarvak Fm. disconformably and is underlain by Gurpi Fm. conformably. By micropaleontological study on 55 thin sections, 5 genus and 9 species of planktonic and 16 genus and 13 species of benthic foraminifers were identified. Among distinguished foraminifers, Rotaliidae family forms were studied carefully and revised. It should be mentioned that, 5 genus and 6 species of benthic foraminifers (Rotaliid forms) were recognized in Iran for the first time (in Assaluyeh section) which consist of: Rotorbinella mesogeensis,Rotorbinella campaniola,Iberorotalia reicheli,Calcarinella schaubi, Pararotalia tuberculifera and Pyrenerotalia longifolia. Santonian age was determined for Ilam Fm. by identified foraminifers. In studied section, stratigraphy development of benthic foraminifers was compared by Martinez Biozones Martinez (2007). This biozones were presented on the base of Rotaliid forms for Pyrenees area in Spain. By this comparison, four biostratigraphy zones for upper part of Sarvak and Ilam Fm. are suggested.


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