Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Geology, Faculty of Earth Science, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Earth sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Geochemical analysis of major elements from 12 sampels from Shirgesht Formation sandstones and shales with Ordovicien age in sections of kuh-Asheghan and Kuh-Rahdar at Kalmard block in Central Iran zone, and plotting these data on silisiclastic rocks classification diagrams, show that they are quartzarenite and shale. Moreover, the use of discrimination, biplot triangular diagrams determined the quartzose recycled provenance (craton and recycled orogen) and passive margin tectonic setting for these deposites. These data suggest the quartzose sedimentary provenace for sandstones and intermediate to felsic ignious provenance for shale. Furthermore, determination of weathering influence in source area, by using CIA index, indicated that the source area of these deposites has been exposed to intense weathering. This can be explained by humid weather in source area of passive continental margin.


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