Document Type : Original Research Paper


International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Tehran, Iran


Tehran is the largest and the most populous city of  Iran that have been recently regarded from the risk management point of view because of possibility of the earthquake damages. An important destructive phenomenon that may happen in Tehran during an earthquake is liquefaction.  In the last two decades, liquefaction of Tehran, especially its southern part, has been extensively studied. These studies are done in different scales and also with different methods. The goal of this paper is consideration of the most important studies which have been done in Tehran up to now and present a practical conclusion. The above mentioned studies are reviewed in the first part of the paper. After that, a network, divided into squares of 1Km×1Km, has been considered in southern part of the Tehran and liquefaction potential for every square of the network is evaluated. Finally, liquefaction hazard map for this part of the city is presented.


TC4, Technical Committee for Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 1999- Manual of Zonation on seismic Geotechnical Hazard (Report Version), ISSMGE.
JICA, Japan International Cooperation agency, 2000- The Study on Seismic Microzoning of the Greater Tehran Area in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Main Report Volume 2.