Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Geology, Science Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


We studied the geochemistry of the Asmari Formation in two outcrop sections: Tang-e-Sapou a 260 m section near Dehdasht City (Kohgiluyeh va Bouyer Ahmad Province) and Tang-e-Ban a 214 m section near Behbahan City (Khozestan Province). Sampling included the complete Asmari Formation and the top of the Pabdeh Formation. The Late Oligocene to Early Miocene Asmari Formation lies above the Pabdeh Formation and is overlain by the Gachsaran Formation. Elemental geochemistry (Fe, Mg, Na, Sr, Mn, Ca), and Oxygen and Carbon isotope analyses indicate that meteoric diagenesis affected carbonates of the Asmari Formation. The δ18O/δ13C data plots in an inverted J-trend suggesting that meteoric diagensis occurred in a closed to semi-closed system. The geochemistry also suggests that the original mineralogy was Aragonite. The boundary between the Pabdeh and Asmari Formations can be recognized by changes in the δ 18O and δ 13C. In the Pabdeh Formation the δ 18O and δ 13C values are mostly negative, but in the Asmari Formation values range from positive to negative. Strontium is much higher in the Pabdeh Formation than in the Asmari Formation. Changes in isotope and elemental geochemistry clearly show the Chattian-Aquitanian and Aquitanian-Burgidalian boundaries.


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