Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Sistan and Baluchestan University of Zahedan, Zahedan, Iran.

2 Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.


Taftan Volcano in southeast of Iran, Sistan and Baluchestan Province, is located in 45 km north of Khash city and about 100 km south to southeast of Zahedan at the terminal of Nehbandan-Khash flysch and north Makran zones. No Volcano-stratygraphic studies have been carried out around Taftan volcano. Taftan volcano can be classified into three groups from stratigraphic point of view: pre, syn and post volcanic deposits. The first group has formed the basement of Taftan and consists mostly of sandstones, shale, limestones and marl (flysch facies), colored melange complex, ultramafic rocks (preidotites), mafic rocks (gabbros and basalts), pelagic limestones, radiolarites and low metamorphic rocks, (metagreywackes, slates, phylites and schists). Second group has volcanoclastic and lava flows that form the main body of the volcano and third group includes alterations along with reworked product of Taftan. Our studies revealed that Taftan volcano has more than five eruptions stages including olivine basalte lava flows, Anjerk crater, Jamchen crater, Anar mount, principal peaks, eruption related to before and final stages of eruptions.


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