Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student, Department of Geology, Faculty Of Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan Branch, Zahedan , Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Faculty Of Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Khark Branch, Khark; Arvandan Oil and Gas Company, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Faculty Of Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan Branch, Zahedan , Iran


The Fahliyan Formation of Khami Group is hosting important hydrocarbon reserves in Iran and also is a main reservoir rock in the Abadan Plain oil fields which is Neocomian in age. In the studied wells its thickness is about 406 meters. In the Abadan Plain, the Fahliyan Formation transitionally overlies of the Garau Formation and its upper boundary changes into the Gadvan Formation. According to thin sections examinations prepared from cores analysis 11 microfacies is recognized by various facies including dolostone and dolomudstone of tidal flat, skeletal wackestone to packstone of the open and restricted lagoon, bioclastic intraclastic grainstones, peloid grainstone and coralinrudist-algae grainstone (boundstone) of the barrier setting and fine grained echinoderm rudist bearing deposits of the slope. high frequency of core facies belong to restricted and open marine lagoon deposits composed of benthic foraminifera, shell fragments and peliods. They are often observed in wackestone to packstone fabrics. The remained rock facies is composed of the bioclastic skeletal lime grainstones characterizing by large rudists and echinoderm debries which are interpreted to constitute the platform margin in this well. Tidal flat dolomudstone with a few bioclast contribute, which they often show moderate reservoir quality.


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