Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Ahvaz branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, IRAN


The Zarshuran gold deposit in northwest Iran is located in historic gold and arsenic mining area in the Sanandaj-Sirjan geo-structural zone. This area is mainly composed of Precambrian rocks. The Oligo-Miocene granitoid intrusions in Pre-Cambrian formations which are the country rocks of gold mineralization have resulted from intensive alteration, milonitization and gold mineralization. The main aim of these study is the separation of gold mineralization zones by using concentration-number (C-N) and concentration- volume(C-V) fractal techniques, which is based on 44 drill hole data and 5800 analyzed samples. Firstly, the logarithmic graph of gold was plotted for each model. Five gold mineralization zones were identified by using concentration-number model and four zones with concentration- volume model, indicate that intense of gold mineralization in wall rock, weak, medium, high and highly enriched zone, respectively. 3D geologic and fractal models show that low mineralized zones occurred in most of the ore deposits, which are often related to the Iman-Khan rock unit. In addition, based on fractal model interpretations and calculation of the overall accuracy matrices, these regions with medium, high and enriched zone have good overlaps to the Jasperoid rock unit, Chaldagh limestone, and Zarshuran shale units, respectively.


Main Subjects

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