Document Type : Original Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Payame Noor Universtiy, Tehran, Iran


Taleh Zang Formation is shallow carbonate facies of the Paleogene Zagros Basin. According to the area, including depth, tectonic and sedimentary sedimentation rate and other factors of the formation with Kashkan and Shahbazan sometimes with different thicknesses of semi-deep and deep Papdeh facies were deposited locally. According to the study Taleh Zang Formation calcareous stratigraphic section thickness of 185 meters (true thickness) were measured from 15 genera and 10 species of 110 sample benthic foraminifera identified by study and introduced 3 biozones 2 Assemblage zone and a Acrozon, late Paleocene (thanetian) and lower Eocene (ypresian) is intended for the stratigraphic section.


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