Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Geology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran


Determination of relationship between rock mass properties concerning to rock qualification design (RQD) has an important role in mine planning and designation. The aim of this study is separation of rock mass properties to designing the mine planning based on the 3267 RQD data analysis of 43 drill-core within Zarshuran gold deposit in Orumieh- Dukhtar assemblage zone applying RQD-Number and RQD-Volume fractal modeling. The results of log-log plots for RQD-N model revealed four rock populations that divided by RQD thresholds 20.41, 47.86, 69.18 and 81.28. The results of log-log plots for RQD-V model release four populations divided by RQD thresholds 21.37, 43.65, 63.09, 79.43 respectively which represent very poor, poor, fair and good rocks based on Deere and Miller rock classification. In other hand the lithological units modeled based on the drill-core data to obtain the spatial distribution of Zarshuran deposit. The results of RQD-N and RQD-V fractal modeling versus lithological units modeling results revealed that Chaldagh limestone unit and Jaspiroid unit shows fair and good quality with RQD fractal value 69.18 till 81.28 and located at the center and western part of Zarshuran deposit. Therefore, in mine slop designing and planning have excellent conditions. The results of the RQD-N fractal modeling in Zarshuran deposit can usage as a practical method in similar districts.


Main Subjects

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