Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Exploration Of Mining Engineering, Mining and Metallurgy engineering faculty, AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Mining Exploration, Department of Mining and Metallurgy, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

3 Young Researchers and elites Club, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


The study area (Varzaghan 1:100,000 Sheet) is located in eastern Azarbaijan province and Ahar-Arasbaran metallogenic zone. The magmatism in this area is happened widespreadly that leads to several important deposits like Sungun world class deposit. According to the importance of this region from Cu-Mo porphyry deposits, we used structural methods like multifractal method to determinate Cu and Mo geochemical anomalies as indicator minerals of Cu-Mo porphyry deposits. In this paper two multifractal method like C-A (Concentration-Area) and N-S (Number-Size) method were used in order to separation geochemical anomalies from background and select the optimum method. In this way, first of all, we draw catchment basins for every stream sedimentary samples by using DEM and PFS (Priority-First-Search) algorithm. After drawing the catchment basins for each sample, concentrations of samples were assigned to their upstreams. In C-A method with plotting cumulative area of each sample catchment basin versus concentration content, 4 number society of each Cu and Mo elements identified. Also in N-S method, cumulative frequency of concentrations versus concentrations plotted. In this method in comparison to C-A method, 5 number society of Mo and 4 number society detected. In both performed methods can see good conformity of anomalous locations with well known deposits like Sungun worldclass deposit but N-S method has better efficiency by using logratio matrix. Also we can see the effect of lithology in anomalous places. Finally some of theses places addition to indications detected. So they require detailed exploration in future.


Main Subjects

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