Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Shahr-e-Ray branch of Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Iran


Takht-e-Solayman zone is highly rich from the viewpoint of diverse morphological units. This morphological diversity is mostly caused by climatic factors and lithological characteristics, erosion, weathering processes and tectonic movements. Geomorphologic characteristics of Takht-e-Solayman zone are influenced by internal and external morphodynamic factors. As a geomorphologic-environmental achievement, this research has been dealt with the investigation of external factors. The available morphologic indications in the study area are divided into 3 general groups including morphodynamic, morphotectonic and morphogentic units and then presented in the form of a geomorphologic map. For this purpose, several new information layers of the zone are prepared in GIS environment using basic maps and field investigations and finally the landforms evaluated using ASTER and ETM+ satellite images.


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